Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Basic Brotherhood Before Bilateral Bashing

Why does the U.S.A. have 2 political parties who are at war with each other? Why does the UK have 2 political parties who are at war with each other? This is an easily answered question which holds and important answer to the future duty of self-governing citizens.
There is an old governmental trick used by the rich, to subdue the poor from challenging position. “Create your own opposition…then control it”.
The battle between the parties isn’t altruistically important, although it is become real; because it is founded in surrealism. It provides opportunity for revolutionary tactics without permitting revolution. No power of self-governing is given to the people in this war. The “war between the parties” is an anti-revolutionary tactic, crafted in the only strictly identifiable conspiracy with pan-demographic reverberation.

This is the time of year when my hard-working white ancestors would get ready for Spring Equinox, celebrating the fact that it's almost time for planting- the sun is shining more each day. So, maybe when I put out spring flowers, I will think about where we came from--and where we are going!
We don’t need a sense of belonging through political parties who don’t respresent who we are or what we want. With 23% of our nations' youth within the perimeter of our racial demographic, I suggest there is a responsibility to foster a sense of belonging-belonging to a culture of faith, family, friends and fidelity to community through hard work and wise choices.